Tuesday 9 October 2012

Chatsworth Beyond Limits 2012

 The work of Richard Long?


 Large Mirror Nijinski
 Large Nijinski on Anvil Point

 Bronze Horse

 Composition- very Disc World

 Leaping Hare on Curly Bell

 Large Troubador (my fave)

Leaping Hare on Crescent and Bell

This year was the seventh Beyond Limits event at Chatsworth House's gardens and, for the first time, they featured the work of a single artist- Barry Flanagan.
I have to say, this was not a popular move with myself! A number of the pieces exhibited are part of the permanent collection at Chatsworth anyway (so surely its then cheating to put them in the Beyond Limits exhibit?), they were all very samey and there were a lot less sculptures to view than usual generally.

All in all, disappointing! As nice as the sculptures were, they were a bit repetitive and samey. One of the nicest things about the Beyond Limits exhibit is the large quantity of pieces on display and the variety of artists works available to view in one location and at a single exhibit- featuring a single artist and much reduced number of pieces took away a lot of that magic.
Having said that, Elephant, Large Troubador, Composition, Sculler and Bronze Horse were all very nice. But no, it just wasn't the same. I hope they go back to their usual format next year!!!

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