Wednesday, 13 June 2012

These are the pictures I took of Caro's sculptures at Chatsworth House Gardens on Jubilee weekend. Well, not all of them- just my faves. I'm not 100% sure that the last sculpture (2 pics) are even a Caro but hey- it looked good so it got snapped! There's 15 to view in total so not all are pictured here but I think I captured the best of them.

I think Caro's work actually looks better in photographs, in real life its a little underwhelming (don't shot me!). I love the industrial feel to these sculptures though and their 'colours' and materials only enhance that link. Viewing them got me thinking about working people and British trade- farming, metal work, boat building, and how important it is to preserve these trades and our industrial heritage.

The largest sculpture (3rd and 4th pics) was infested with people, despite several large signs asking visitors NOT to climb on or touch the sculptures- ahhhh the Great British public eh? So sadly it isn't a fantastic or clear shot of that piece.

Caro was a colleague of Henry Moore and I can definitely detect the influence in the colour palette and abstractness of these works. Caro is credited as one of the most influential British sculptors alive today and embraced and promoted the idea of spectators viewing sculpture at ground level, close up. This is very much how the works at Chatsworth are presented (and YSP for that matter). You can walk around them, up to them, lay your hand on them, they look different depending on the season/ light/ weather. It does allow you to engage with the pieces in a way you simply can't with paintings hanging on a wall, or sculptures on pedestals in galleries. If you've never seen sculptures presented in this way I can definitely recommend it, its often magical (that sounds a bit soppy, but its true!) and always a delight.

Caro also has some small Bronze sculptures on display at the magnificent Yorkshire Sculpture Park (YSP) until 01.07.12 so you can get a double Caro dose if you fancy!

For more info on Caro at Chatsworth go to and for YSP head to

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