Holmfirth Art Week Part 3
In my last instalment I'll be giving my thoughts on the main exhibit, the Sculpture Lounge (Fringe Venue 26), Back Lane Artspace (Fringe Venue 23) and Lupton Square Gallery in Honley (Fringe Venue 3), all of which I visited today, despite the beyond- ridiculous amounts of rain, grrr. In fact, I believe the below two pictures, taken en route to Back Lane Artspace, pretty much sum up our 'summer' this year!!
But first, a correction is needed. I said in my Part 2 post that Robert Norbury was exhibiting a photograph of a Pointer in Sid's Cafe, when in actual fact it's a Lurcher!!!! My sincerest apologies for this mistake and any confusion caused as a result.
Now, on to the Sculpture Lounge. I used to love visiting the Sculpture Lounge when it was in the centre of Holmfirth (it used to be near Ashley Jackson's shop) and having a panini in the cellar cafe. I love Brendan Hesmondhalgh's sculptures and always wondered what happened to the Sculpture Lounge after it vacated the lovely shop it used to inhabit- well now I know, it decamped to Bottoms Mill!
I enjoyed looking around and thought the space and light at the venue were very good. Brendan's stuff remains brilliant, but I also enjoyed the works of Martin Norman, particularly the Indian ducks.
There was also an artist called Jamie Frost on display- I just couldn't figure out if I liked his/ her stuff or not....
What do you think?
The pieces in the picture above were braving the elements in the doorway- I love the large painting of a man's face. Stunning.
I then headed for the lovely Back Lane Artspace (I virtually had to swim to get there!). The children's pieces on display in the doorway were an utter delight, but it was the work of Craig Milburn and Chloe Williams that really took my breath away- some fantastic pieces on display by these two. I particularly enjoyed and felt inspired by the moody pastel drawings. Back Lane Artspace do a range of courses for adults and children- for more information about these see my contacts list at the end of the post, and if you are visiting Holmfirth Art Week tomorrow, make sure you take the time to visit this lovely Fringe Venue.
Lupton Square Gallery- I'd not been there for years until today, but its still as delightful as ever. There was lots of lovely Jeff Beaumont paintings to see, Sue Jenkins' delightful sculptures were in abundance, and I liked the paintings by Elizabeth Clarkson very much as well. I'm sure its not hard to imagine why when you look at these pictures I took of some of her work on display at the Lupton Square Gallery- I love all the colours and glitter.
Finally- on to the main exhibit. It was quite a mixed bag on the ground floor this year, and a few too many paintings of flowers for my liking (sorry, but.... boring!!!), but there was also lots of fabulous art work to see on both the first and second floors, and the standard of photography on display this year was outstanding. I won't bore you by discussing each of the artists I liked, but I'll list them- and then if you do visit the main exhibit tomorrow you can keep your eye out for them and let me know what your thoughts are. Below are some pictures of my favourites from the main exhibit (although not too many, I was trying not to get caught taking photos and possibly told off/ thrown out- tee hee).
Helen Field, Amy Cooper, Neville Fleetwood (just brilliant), Alan Dalgetty, Keith Hanselman, Anthony Ward, E M Flynn (I'm obsessed with sheep so liking this artists work was a no- brainer), Chloe White, Alison Dunn, David Robinson, Fred Pepper, Phillip Hill (particularly his painting of Striding Edge, which had sold), Keith Mountain, John Wood and Kevin Threlfall.
Chloe White
Helen Field
The amazing Kevin Threlfall
Fred Pepper
Brendan Hesmondhalgh
I did also make it back to the shop in the main hall and picked up lots more swag- don't miss your chance to do the same tomorrow.
Then, on the top floor, in the Trevor Stubley Gallery (god rest his soul) is this year's featured artist Rosalind Annis. Her pastels are such a delight and always have been, and I was thrilled to see that loads of her drawings exhibited on the top floor had already sold. Her recent pastels of trees are particularly good- they look like they must take ages and buckets of concentration. I think her pastel paintings look so effortless- the colours are always so vivid and bright. The pastel drawings displayed in this exhibit are also beautifully framed. Well done to Rosalind!
Oh, and I found another Deb Price in the main exhibit- wippee!
And so, another Holmfirth Art Week will draw to a close tomorrow at 5pm. I hope my posts will inspire you to go while there's still time.
More information of tonight's artists can be found at the following places-
email Martin Norman at martin-norman.talktalk.net
www.backlaneartspace.co.uk and find them on facebook
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